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运用文献资料调研和数理统计等方法,对中超和五大联赛本国球员和外籍球员的年龄、身高、体重和克托莱指数进行比较分析。结论:在各国联赛球员中,中超本国球员的平均体重和克托莱指数排名末尾,身体对抗方面存在一定劣势。中超注重引入具有明显身体形态优势的外籍球员,但其年龄明显过高。各国联赛均倾向于选择体重和克托莱指数较大的外籍球员,表明体重和克托莱指数对联赛成绩存在一定影响。中超外籍球员比例过低,且各位置球员引进比例不合理,不利于各位置球员的均衡发展。建议中超参考五大联赛外籍球员的年龄和身体形态数据,根据自身实际情况,调整引进球员的标准、比例和结构;同时改进体能训练方式,解决本国球员体重和克托莱指数偏低的问题。  相似文献   
摘要:我国校园足球骨干师资国家级专项培训于2015年6月在全国范围内展开,这是我国校园足球工作主导权转移到教育部门后对校园足球师资建设进行的初步实践,在培训理念、范围、模式、组织、数量、宣传等方面取得突破性进展和显著成果。但仍应对处于探索期的专项培训实践工作进行及时科学研判,为其可持续发展的策略选择提供借鉴。本研究通过文献资料法、访谈法、观察法、问卷调查法对专项培训工作的功能和问题进行客观分析,指出专项培训工作不仅具备显功能还具备潜功能,以及学员社会角色复杂化、教材缺失与部分课程设置偏倚、教师资源配置局限、学员评价制度简缺、激励不相容等问题是限制专项培训工作部分结构要素相互促进和功能发挥的凸显问题,并提出实现专项培训整体功能提升的思路和具体保障措施。  相似文献   
足球是世界第一大运动,在世界各地蓬勃发展.但中国足球却无法跟上世界前进的步伐,发展落后是不争的事实.足球人口严重缺乏、后备人才稀缺是中国足球落后最根本的原因.文章将从创办“新型足校”的理论思考和实践探索出发,为振兴中国足球,发展中国足球青训提供理论支持和实践范本.希望“新型足校”的星星之火能够在中国形成“燎原之势”,为中国足球的振兴,实现中国足球梦,贡献自己应有的力量.  相似文献   
摘要:运用文献资料调研、观察及数理统计等方法,对第14-20届世界杯足球赛1051个进球的方式、射门区域、及进攻形式等特征进行研究,以探讨现代足球比赛特征与规律。研究结果表明:7届世界杯场均进球数呈逐届下降趋势;比赛下半场比上半场进球率高,反映出现代足球在重视攻守平衡的同时更加注重进攻效率。罚球区2区内外区域是现代足球比赛射门进球最佳区域。前锋进球数最多,前锋和攻击型中场球员区分不再明确,全能型的队员位置职能已成为现代足球位置特征发展规律。现代足球比赛中脚射是最主要得分方式,立体高空头顶球技战术也已成形。随着传球次数的增加而进球明显减少的趋势,“直接打法”战术已成为现代足球进攻战术发展主流趋势。中路进攻、定位球进攻已成为现代足球进攻战术发展主要方向。前场及中前场已成为现代足球最佳有效地发动进攻进球区域。  相似文献   
This study investigated whether anticipation and search strategies of goalkeepers are influenced by temporally and spatially manipulated video of a penalty. Participants were clustered into three groups depending on skill: goalkeepers (n = 17), field players (n = 20) and control group (n = 20). An eye tracker was worn whilst watching 40 videos of a striker kicking to four corners of a goal in random order. All 40 videos were temporally occluded at foot-to-ball contact, and the non-kicking leg of 20 videos was spatially manipulated. Results showed that goalkeepers had significantly better predictions than the two groups with no differences between the two testing conditions. According to effect size, the percentage of fixation location and viewing time of the kicking leg and ball were greater for the goalkeepers and field players group than the control group irrespective of testing conditions. The fixations on the kicking leg and ball in conjunction with comparable predictions between spatially manipulated and control conditions suggest that goalkeepers may not rely on the non-kicking leg. Furthermore, goalkeepers appear to use a global perceptual approach by anchoring on a distal fixation point/s of the penalty taker whilst using peripheral vision to obtain additional information.  相似文献   

Michel Foucault argued that females gradually became integrated into the sphere of medical practices through a process which he termed as a ‘hysterization of women’s bodies’ (Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume One: An Introduction, New York: Pantheon Books, 1978, 104). In this article, we draw on Foucault to examine how women’s bodies, exercise and motherhood impacted on the historical development of female football in New Zealand within two time periods (1921 and 1973–1975). Employing his genealogical framework, we analyze newspaper reports, historical documents and conducted in-depth interviews to demonstrate how medical/scientific discourses both constrained and enabled the participation of women in football. We conclude that while medical knowledge was used to publicly disqualify the legitimacy of the female footballer in 1921, and hence her abrupt disappearance from the sporting realm, the absence of such medical knowledge in the early 1970s, combined with societal changes associated with second wave feminism, paved the way for the eventual ‘normalization’ of female football in New Zealand.  相似文献   
During the Japanese occupation of British Malaya and Southeast Asia from the years 1942 to 1945 there were reports of POWs being allowed to play cricket, football, rugby and basketball, as told by Kevin Blackburn in The Sportsmen of Changi published in 2012. This research about the sporting lives of a Governor and male European internees at Singapore's Changi prison is likely to be first detailed research on this topic. The authors depended mainly on four published diaries and 262 issues of the men's camp newspaper, Changi Guardian, to account for the male internees' casual and competitive cricket, football, hockey, volleyball, badminton, tennis and boxing matches that were played during internment. The Japanese Military Administration allowed the male internees to organize their daily lives and play games that they indulged in during the pre-War period as the British dominated the Singapore Cricket Club, Penang Cricket Club and Perak Club. The internees were able to play the various games and matches in spite of the limited food and sparse facilities. Many of the cricket and football games that were played were organized as inter-state, inter-club or league matches. These games were played with improvized equipment and rules.  相似文献   
The circulation of mobile professional athletes, a phenomenon whose visibility increased exponentially in the last couple of decades of the twentieth century, poses important questions for postcolonial approaches to the human condition. At first glance, the orientation of entire segments of the population in some countries in the global South to the possibility of migrating to sport careers in the global North seems to reproduce patterns of economic dependence of the world's peripheries on the world's centres, with the latter obtaining resources from the former in non-reciprocal fashion. A more nuanced approach, however, demands that these dynamics be framed in a broader context of multiple power relations that are at once local and global, material and ideational, and rooted in complex histories that have somewhat obscured colonial relations of yesteryears. This approach is illustrated here with materials about migration-oriented football academies in West Africa and the transnational circulation of Pacific Island rugby players.  相似文献   
日本足球在国内的推广与国际营销经验、国内政策和国家的理想抱负是紧密交织在一起的。正是因为它的多重角色和利益,日本足球并不是被动地服从全球化进程,相反就游戏规则、踢球风格、组织模式和市场机会而言,它形成了自己的特点,大部分与欧洲的经历形成鲜明对比。  相似文献   
通过对女子足球运动员体能水平构成因素的分析及比赛中体能表现的研究,探讨符合足球运动规律的女子足球运动员体能训练方法,为女子足球体能训与练监控提供依据。  相似文献   
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